I've been thinking for a long time about setting up a sort of "fanclub" to give out exclusive infos, tracks and other goodies to my closest fans. There were some attempts with the Bandcamp subscription feature some time ago, but it was not the time for it.
I thought about different options - Patreon, OnlyFans, Bandcamp, you name it. But at the end of the day, I have everything that I need on my website and the past years teached me to build my own thing instead of counting on platform services.
So, there we go :D "Fanbase" is a new blog category whose posts can only be accessed by people who have signed up to one of my packages including the new "Fanbase" membership.
What fans get
As a fanbase member you will receive the following benefits:
Preview of releases - you can listen to future releases before the official release date and of course download them for free.
Exclusive tracks - made especially for my fans
Behind the Scenes Info - extra photos and material from gigs
Free samplepacks - samplepacks offered in the shop for purchase are also included in the membership and you can download them for free as well
Personal messages - personal video messages for you every now and then
Extra videos - tutorials that are published on YouTube will have extra audio tracks and additional download material for subscribers
Vouchers - get discounted music downloads, services and merch
What it costs
You get all this for 4,00 CHF a month (at the moment that equals 4 USD) and the membership can be cancelled at any time at the end of a month. The price includes a transaction- and payment fee.
Why a payed membership?
I would actually like to make a "Pay What You Want" option for all my offers, as there are many people who find European prices too expensive but still want to give something in return.
Unfortunately, my website does not currently offer such a feature. With the help of the relatively inexpensive Fanbase membership, fans who want to support me regularly can finally do so and get some exclusives in return.
How to get access
The content is offered in the form of a locked blog category. The full content of these posts is only accessible after login with active membership. There will be at least 2 posts per month.