The catastrophe that is unfolding in Ukraine these days leaves us wordless. No words to describe our pain, no words to express our sadness, and no words to state our support to the victims of war. The PVC crew, which I'm a member of, and all our artists friends around the world decided to put together a pop-up compilation project to convey this support in our very own way.
100% of the donations will be funneled directly towards UNICEF, who is working to scale up life-saving support for children and their families threatened by the war in Ukraine. Art is one of the best tools we have to spread the love and support as much as we can.
Thankful for the whole Petite Victory Collective and to all our committed artists and friends who jumped on this project providing this effort in such a short time: Miles Kvndra x Zirio x Atlas Castle x Deega x Gabriel de la Mora x Audible Void x Dataruin x Wall Brown x Alpha Mound x Dr. Lämmerbein x Yukio x Cat Breath x Krostif x Sebastian Salt x Songs From Tin Pan Alley x 2rmin x Hoxeed. x ITEM x Jonathan R Cross x Rupture // Rapture x UJTB x Wayward Lens x 59 Perlen x Captain Ghostnote x BigCity x Silence_Castor x ObscurSounds x Fedor Tkachev x Autumna x Hydro Fyter x Kindly Spoken Thieves x Xtinction x Sunwarper x Helixrider x DVR x Andy Pitcher x Dean Johnson x Defend The Rhino x Incontro x Kh3rtis x Hissquiet x Synechdoche x West Lentz x sckdrwr x Rome In Reverse x Charlie Thorstenson x Protoplanets x Twilight Music Sculpture
Thanks for your support <3